- - Background graphics, also offers other tools and resources
- TextStudio - Animated text graphics
- Brow7777777, Twisted, Soggy (discord @soggycereals__) & Sewbun (discord @mcdonaldslesbian) - Fursona artwork :3
- The Spriter's Resource - Videogame sprites and other graphics
- Mini Country Flag Icons - Not sure if this is actually what I use on the site since its been a while since I got them.
- JS Music Player - By Adilene (Direct download!)
- 90's Cursor Effects - Where I got the rainbow cursor tail, by Tim Tholman
- JS Tooltip - By Malihu, other website-oriented code tidbits present on his site :P
- Ezgif - .gif file swiss army knife
- Spritesheet Parser (web) - Lines up spritesheets so they can be converted neatly to .gif animations, lacks a few features that would be useful but its the best thing I found.
- FC2 Counter - Customizable visitor counter
- Catbox - Genuine godsend of a filehost, allows limitless storage of linkable media with a size limit of 200mb
- Notepad++ - Lightweight and powerful text editor, also my coding software of choice
- GIMP - Free & Open Source image editor, not Photoshop levels of powerful but still a pretty nice alternative